Sunday, July 16, 2017

Collusion, Conspiricies and a Political Rant

Interesting when the universe conspires to give you socks and sweat pants that match... or maybe it's collusion? That's a popular word of late.
How cheerful we all are here at the BobnRita Ranch now that we're (every last one of us!) off our meds and smearing Russian dressing on everything. That story involving Don Jr. has done as much to heal us as the antibiotics and horse pills we were all downing. Don't laugh; it felt like a dispensary around here. My morning ritual was elaborate and I inevitably was the last one served. It ran something like this: Come downstairs and distract the dog while smashing up major horse pain pill and mix that with a grated carrot and molasses to add to Maggie the Mexican Pony's morning feed. Take food to Maggie (who was suffering mightily from a summer-time version of her winter hoof abscess), and then mix up Robin the Good's special rice/organic chicken broth/turkey crumble easy to digest breakfast slops while tricking her into consuming a peanut butter enrobed doxcycline tablet (she caught on in week two). Then it was prepare a Kong for her post-breakfast enjoyment/entertainment. After that, it was time for my favorite drug- caffeine- and my own course of doxcycline. We were all joined by Bob, who was taking amoxicillin for his own charming case of Lyme disease. See why I'm glad that we're past this particular episode?

But yes, recent news tidbits have buoyed our spirits... who's lying now? Everyday adds another character to the list of guest appearances at that infamous meeting at Trump Tower. While I would applaud a quick good riddance to corrupt, cruel, and crooked occupants of the White House, I am actually hoping all of these investigations from Special Prosecutors and House and Senate Sub Committees drag on until well into 2018. I want this boil to erupt right around mid-term elections so there's no doubt as to who caused what when. The not always swift population of this fine country (yes, the very one that helped Russia "elect" The Orange Menace) has a notoriously short attention span and if things come to a head too soon, by November 2018 our citizenry will re-elect some of the mobsters responsible for perpetuating this present charade. Just what IS wrong with rethuglicans?!?!? How much is too much before even they have to admit that there's plenty fishy about this last election and there are more than enough ethics violations to go around! Yeeeesh!
Hey! That felt good! I got a lot off my chest and the sun's shining and maybe it's a new morning for America... where have I heard that before?

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