Wednesday, December 19, 2018

In Pursuit of the Perfect Body

Yes, that's me flying through space in my self-imposed exercise regime, attempting to fight off mid-life love handles and mid-winter doldrums. I'm probably not succeeding at either as I'm sure I've been eating my way towards lumpiness, both because it's (not yet) winter and it's been cold, but also The Orange Menace provokes a certain level of anxiety in me that I suppress by consuming.
I've selected a range of DVD's from our local library, which I alternate with my own tailor-made inventive workout... part Jane Fonda/part me aerobically acting out. I have liked parts of each DVD- and disliked other parts equally. The first exercise disc I watched featured a woman who persisted in pointing out that she was on an island! it was warm! (needlessly as she was on sand, backed by rippling waves) and annoying me with her insistent arm motions. I could not for the life of me figure out what kind of weird figure 8's she was doing and I almost fell over multiple times. I'm not the most graceful being... but I try!
The yoga based one was better, and I felt good and relaxed after ward, but I think I need a bit more structure in the waist line area. Midriff bulge, muffin tops, love handles... I have successfully cultivated all three. I did both the beginner (kinda lame and too easy) and the intermediate the first time and today I combined the intermediate program with the advanced. THAT got my abdominals pumping! Saturday, I'll do my own spastic aerobic routine and then try the pilates DVD.
 As I lay on the floor, jack knifing and holding, breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth, Robin is throwing a fit in the hall. I think she thinks I'm suffering from some strange disorder. She gets plenty of exercise, running around the yard at full tilt. And I point out that despite having just celebrated a 3rd birthday, she's still young and I'm trying to be somewhat younger than my chronological years. The cold weather doesn't help! I haven't been able to go riding and due to the car dilemma, Robin and I haven't taken a walk in several weeks. (Hopefully that changes tomorrow!) Until then, here's to good health!

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