Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Playing the Field

Oops! That's what I get for photographing myself in a mirror! Hahahaha!
That's better. This is a posting entirely about Democratic presidential candidates. Yes, there are like 15 or 16 too many of them; who knows who half of them are! And even if you do put a name with a face, many seem like carbon copies and unnecessary redundancies. With a few exceptions (okay Hinkenlooper, we know you think socialism is wrong!) they all seem to pretty much get on board with universal health coverage of some sort and think Climate Change is real. That's a beginning! But what we need is (sigh/gasp/moan and belch) to defeat The Orange Menace. Is that special someone REALLY Joe Biden? Oh please! (What's that clammy breath I feel on the back of my neck?!??!) Biden may be beating The Orange Menace handily in multiple polls, but so are a couple of my favorites...
I liked Bernie back in 2016 and I still like him: Consistent! Consistent! Consistent! He's been singing the same songs for ages and it resonates with me. Sometimes I get a bit nervous thinking we need someone (oh forgive me) younger but boy! Bernie has energy! He's an inspiration. (And both Bob and I still have tee shirts and even our bumper stickers in place...)
But then wouldn't I like to see a woman in the White House?!? We got robbed last time (even though Hillary wasn't my first choice...) and there are several well positioned, smart woman running. But for some reason (a few which I won't list here as maybe I'll change my tune as I feel slightly guilty for NOT backing her), Elizabeth Warren doesn't get my interest, although she DOES have a policy position on EVERYTHING and she is obviously qualified but I like:
She's tough, she's smart and I liked her pointed sarcasm in questioning that awful Kavanaugh twerp during the Supreme Court confirmation hearings. People I know have spoken highly of her tenure as California Attorney General and every interview I have seen with her has made me respect her. (And she showed good humor when Samantha Bee featured a piece with her on her show.)
But hold on! My affections are torn three ways!
Oh! I like Mayor Pete! He's young and energetic and has an amazing resume (Oh hell! He got me when it came out that he has two dogs and plays classical piano!) And he and his husband look so happy and positive! Maybe we need a fresh faced polyglot to turn us around?!?!?!?
So I'm rotating my shirts. I think today is a "Pete" day, although we're having dinner guests and I was debating changing my shirt several times just to keep them guessing. Doesn't hurt to flirt!


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    1. Huh? Just love comments that seemingly have nothing to do with my well-considered and timely posts. Alas! But this guy appears to be Canadian so I guess it doesn't matter! Hahahaha. Watch the debates tonight and tomorrow.
