Friday, January 31, 2020

Hopping Mad

I am so disgusted, infuriated, upset and pissed off about the Impeachment hearings that I am spluttering. No witnesses?!??!!?!? Please, on what god-forsaken planet does this make any sense?
And while, yes, I know, that it was a forgone conclusion from the get-go that The Orange Menace would never be found guilty by that stacked deck of a rethuglican dominated Senate, I am still beside myself. The rethuglicans don't even pretend to care about The Constitution, the rule of law... the truth(!!!) anymore!
And since when is it okay to declare before "the trial" even begins that you have made up your mind and are going to side with the defendant and not be open to changing your mind- even if new compelling evidence comes to light? Why are these partisan lunatics not excused from the proceedings? I can only hope that history judges these imbeciles harshly!
So while I am not surprised by the inevitable outcome, I was hoping that four*(1)- or even five!- rethuglicans would have a shred of decency left and at least request witnesses, especially ones with that all important first-hand evidence. Morally bankrupt! A special circle of Hell has been custom-constructed to house these corrupt weasels. But let's face it: did I expect any less from a party that has thrown it's complete and unswerving support behind a dangerous charlatan and dictator wannabe?!?!?*(2)
Vote those bums out of office! Save our democracy! I personally look forward to a weekend of John Bolton and Lev Parnas and anyone else with a story to tell coming forward... not that it will change anything. And as my sister assured me, not many people are paying attention or really even care.
As if all that wasn't awful enough, England is going Brexit today and Corona virus is causing global panic. What's a Libtard to do?!??! (And for the uninitiated, FUBAR is an acronym for Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. My new piece. Thank you.)

*(1) Susan Collins voted to hear witnesses because she knew that the people of Maine are working to get her booted and she needed to score a few points. Mitt Romney's motives are a bit more complicated and I have to say maybe he has a bit of integrity?
*(2) I offer as a small (not really) bright spot the fact that it might have been even worse had The Orange Menace been found guilty and then removed and (retch) Mike Pence would be president. I tell you, weird religious rethuglicans are even more dangerous as they masquerade as "normal". I ask, "What IS normal anymore??!?!?!??!?"

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