Saturday, February 4, 2023

Yowzah Weather


A balmy -6 degrees!! And in order to verify that this is happening at our home, I scraped the ice from our window to access our thermometer...


Actually, this was a few minutes later and it had risen to -5!! Oh joy! At least it's not windy, like yesterday... It was so cold outside that I blanketed poor Neko (*1). Neko also was excused from her diet as in cold weather, outdoor animals require lots more fuel to keep up body temperature. 

It was so cold yesterday (do I need to remind you?!?) that poor Robin the Good neglected to poop at her usual time and so decided that she need to go outside after we'd all gotten tucked into our nice cozy bed. Great! I had to bundle up and venture outside at 12:00 midnight to howling gale force gusts of wind and sub-zero temperatures; I've never seen a dog poop so fast! She wanted back in.

But despite the deep freeze, some part of my stultified brain was working, as I got yesterday's Wordle on the second guess! I tried to save my astonishing triumph but my phone refused to cooperate. I tried photographing my "stats" and this is all I got:

"Tasty" was the word, by the way. So I guess being a smarty pants still weather-proof. (*2)(*3) It was just about all I accomplished yesterday as we literally spent most of Friday hunkered down under flannel sheets, reading and watching the giant screen TV.  Saturday looks to be the same. But tomorrow is supposed to be in the 40's!!!! Here's my response:

(*1) Neko, as you may remember, lost "blanketing privileges" last winter as she managed to push her way through the electric fence as the blanket prevented her from feeling the shock. She actually managed to sneak back in, too. Smart horsey... don't ask how she did this.

(*2) I assume most of us have "favorite" first words on Wordle? I do... seems to work! but no one ever wants to share their stats with me. I have tried asking on Facebook and never get a reply. A bit of Wordle Insecur-itle anyone?

(*3) Another note on my Wordle stats. At one point, I was doing Wordle on the computer. then I switched to doing it on my phone, apres yoga and pre-dinner. I lost a bunch of my earlier stats as the phone and computer don't seem to speak to one another. Have I said how much I can hate technology? Don't even get me started on how hard I tried to sync my phone so I could do a blog post from there! All because I tried to send great photographs shot on my phone to the desk top and that doesn't seem to want to happen. So stayed tuned; you may get the blog I was attempting to post yet!!

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