Friday, December 20, 2024

Ai yi yi yi yi

This posting was supposed to be up the other day but the computer has been... well "peculiar" and probably virally infected (avian flu??). We took it to get repaired and it rewarded us by being exactly the same when we brought it home. Yowzah. And sometimes (like right now) it works fine... I'm taking advantage of that miracle!!

So Bob and I are on the way out to shop and there was a lot of activity at the road's end. Turns out (gasp!!) lil' ol' Jeremy Swamp Road is getting a traffic light at the corner of it and Route 67! Progress comes to our neck of the woods. And although this may signal the urbanization of Jeremy Swamp Road, it's a good thing because when they fixed all that flood damage, they installed a bridge that has so many cross struts and weird accordion uprights that it's very hard to see around. Bob and I were wondering when an accident would occur. So here's another picture on our way back home...

Thar she blows! Swinging in the Jeremy Swamp breeze! It hasn't been hooked up to work yet, but it's there. Hope it works better than our blasted computer and I sure hope it has nothing to do with Frontier!!! Maybe the town officials will have a champagne-fueled installation celebration. Maybe it will help with all the melon-head wannabes that use our road as a short cut. Maybe not!

And how's this for weird?! Looks like a moon-scape. This is occurring on the other end of town. I'm not quite sure why, but there has been a big bi-partison infrastructure project to redo the exit/entrance ramp off the highway. Lots of big dirt piles and large equipment... doing something. They engineered this in such an austere way: huge barren swoops of dirt. I certainly hope the plants some native shrubs or ground covers! (And you will notice hay in the rear view mirror of Bob's truck. We were on our way home form scoring 20 bales when I shot this picture.

And it isn't the loveliest time of year, but its is the Winter Solstice for which we actually received abit of snow. We're celebrating and I hope you are too!

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