Here it is! Thebest sort of technology. Take it out of the box, plug it inot the wall, pick up that hand set and make a call. Astonishing! Easy as 1-2-3 and no need to call for tech support. Yes, I realize there are individuals out that who will call me a Troglodyte or a Luddite but I like our land line.
And here are the two "other" sorts of phone. The one on the right is my old phone, being retired because (as stated in an earlier blog) it was possessed and devious and cranky. It still "works" but not really well and not on my terms. The phone on the left is the new model. I am just learning its ways...

(Sorry about the wonky lighting; that table is actually white!) Just to illustrate that they both still turn on. So the new phone seemed to start of auspiciously- after spending an hour and a half on tech support. The nice woman I dealt with tried to help me and I attempted to be my most self-deprecating self, saying, "Oh you must get so tired of dealing with peopel like me who can't figure anything out!"- but she was pretty patient but also seemed more than happy to dump me by saying, "Thanks so much for calling and enjoy you new phone" before hanging up on me. We did succeed in getting the phone partially set up (ie; I could acess the Internet and receive/send messages) but I hadn't been able to transfer my contacts or other info and I wasn't able to answer incoming calls.
I will not bore you with my efforts the next day- suffice it to say the phone company in question was having a bad day and suffering from technical difficulties. (Was I supposed to help them?!?!) It took three attempts before I got connected to a less than pleasant guy did assist in getting the phone to work (I think) but then basically told me to "find an app" when I asked for help transferring contacts from my old phone!
God helps those that help themselves, so I took Bob's suggestion that I watch a YouTube tutorial on how to transfer data and Hey Presto!! I did it! I am so inordinately proud of myself. Like magic, all 100+ phone contacts are now happily ensconced on my new device. I called it a day after that... still need to transfer some photos and still trying to figure out how to get home screen icons of thongs I use but there's always tomorrow!!