Saturday, April 22, 2023

Under No Circumstances!

 Several things prompted me to purchase natto, a Japanese fermented soy bean food that is supposed to be extremely good for you. At our local health food emporium, several helpful sales people had trouble locating it- which should have been a big red flag as to how "popular" it is. (Or, as we will establish, isn't). I purchased two containers, one small bean and the other large bean.

I had been warned that it was an acquired taste and that it took getting used to. But Bob and I are pretty game when it comes to trying strange stuff (*1) and I said, "Let's give it a whirl". Be warned if you have a weak stomach... 

Okay, so one other weird thing is the instruction to stir the natto 400 times before consuming. I started off, got to 50 and handed the honors on to Bob. I expected to get the natto back at 100 stirs and carry on alternating but Bob was so enthusiastic that he stirred his heart out and soon we had achieved the 400 required for optimal enjoyment. I am going to add here that the "aroma" exuding from this container was... interesting and not exactly appealing, but even hard boiled eggs smell kind of like sulphur. We had a few discussions as to how best to ingest this substance; Bob opting for its use as a condiment on top of rice, me suggesting in a Triscuit cracker (something familiar) with mustard and cheese.

I will also insert here that as it was 4/20, we had smoked a nice joint and were pleasantly, smilingly buzzed. We do our best to observe most national holidays. We were stoked!

Oh boy. Despite the odor- because in truth it was an sewage-like odor, not aroma- and despite the resembleance of its texture to the specific drool that occurs prior to one's dog puking (*2) I gamely raised that cracker to my mouth and bit in. I had chewed this edible monstrosity for approximately four seconds and was beginning to consider swallowing when what can only be called a deeply visceral response occurred. My entire body from my feet up to my throat recoiled and I was wracked by the need to eject the alien from my being. My body was screaming, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Under no circumstances!! Whatever that thing is it will not be allowed in!!" I rose quickly and said, "I think I'm going to throw up!" Which I did, happily having made it to the bathroom in time. (*3)

Bob was not inclined to hurl but he allowed that maybe you had to grow up eating it to appreciate it and that it did seem to be an acquired taste. The one cracker taste test was enough to seal our natto experiment and the offending package was covered and returned to the refrigerator. It took a while to get that taste and texture from our mouths memory banks (*4) We completed dinner with a salad and crackers and cheese. Palate cleansing...

So anyone with an adventurous streak and a very, very strong stomach is more than welcome to two free containers of almost brand new natto. Hey! It's reputed to be very, very good for you!

(*1) Bob much more so than me!!

(*2) Ropey, thick but stringy and full of slime, slime, slime! Try washing it off your hands; kinda like slug juice.

(*3) I cannot even remember the last time I puked. Honestly. This happened so fast that it was impressive. Every fiber of my being rebelled against natto. My apologies to Japanese food culture but it was not a good experiment. 

(*4) Sorry to say, even looking at these pictures evokes a certain gut response. Not pleasant!

Friday, April 7, 2023

Too Much To Blog About!


To begin... HOOORAY!! I am sure we all watched the above performance with delight. I was going to blog about that but thought it might be too much for our already frazzled nerves. I mean, we're all pretty cynical that any charges brought will be dismissed. (Sigh) But we can feel joy and unbridled enthusiasm for justice being done for one minute, can't we? Perhaps I dream.

And for a complete change of pace, I almost blogged about Neko and her new neighbors across the field. There are now two mustangs- one apparently still wild- in residence behind a very stout metal fence. (This is because mustangs, being wild animals, want to escape out of any and all confinements.) Neko seems to be enjoying the horsey company and periodically runs up and down the fence line trumpeting to her friends. I started riding in this area the other day and the mustangs began running around, kicking up heels and acting like crazy springboks. I took Neko and rode in our lower field as I am not in the market for such equine excitement. It can be contagious!

And then I almost blogged about a recent trip to a Large Box Home Improvement Store. (It was Lowe's) I was attempting to locate the seed selection, helpfully wedged sideways behind a wall of outdoor furniture that was being set up. There I was, barricaded behind stacks of chairs and a very corpulent family, who were searching for something garden related, when I turned around and was confronted with that alarming entire wall of fucking Round Up!! Good God! I'm trying to purchase non-GMO organically grown seed and Monsanto is mocking me with a walla walla Round Up. There's enough glyphosate there to give everyone in the state of Connecticut cancer. Holy fuck!! And I'm sure Lowe's will sell all of that arsenal of doom... and more!! Doesn't anyone follow the news?!?!?

Anyway, Happy Holidays!!