Saturday, August 6, 2011

Just Like the Great Wall of China!

Well, sort of like the Great Wall of China. I mean, you can see the Great Wall from outer space but WE can see our new garden bed from upstairs! We have this really kickin' aerial view...
But of course, all good gardening stories have their vast dilemmas. In my case, I got a wonderful variety of interesting plants from family 'n' friends for my recent birthday. I promptly de-sodded and began digging in this really long straight bed along the side of the path that we take down to Bob's studio. It's the major axis in the back yard; our version of the Champs Elysees (another allusion to a historical, monumental site!) So I'm happily arranging plants in their containers when it dawns on me that in order to plant this one where I really want to see it, I need to move that one waaaaaaaaaaaaay back over in the older section. And then it strikes me how much like making art gardening is. Sometimes, it's all a very roundabout route to get results. I believe I heard someone refer to this need to see something in a specific place as "the genius of place". And that is really true. I'll lie awake all night if I don't put that plant exactly where I imagined it, even if I have to move three or four other things to put it there.
And that's not to mention that I need to move a section of fence in order to plant. The new bed is (inconvieniently!) bisected by our fence and we all know my recent history of fences and eyeballs. So I'm going back into my studio instead!!!

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