Monday, December 15, 2014

Hoarder Junior

I was reading a story in the most recent New Yorker about how hoarding is now officially considered a disorder. There was a picture of Little Edie (from "Grey Gardens" fame) and I paused for a moment, reflecting that the piles surrounding her looked, well, sort of familiar. I realized that my studio annex, a work in progress!, could have fit right in to their decorating scheme!
Here's athe view in the opposite direction, walking from my studio back into the house:
Even the sliding piles of effluvium rivals Little Edies! I don't think of myself as a hoarder... just an artist with a penchant for collecting stuff that might be someday made into wonderful and profound artwork. And in my own defense, I have been so busy making art that I simply haven't had the time to move all my studio furniture (like ugly dressers full of materials and tall shelving units) in to the space so as to permit me to better organize. Give an artist a break!
And here's what I did the other morning: emptied a whole wall unit onto the dining table. Then, of course, I realized that the table was now full of my stuff* and I had no place to work while waiting for my studio to warm up. So I spent the next half hour trundling the above collection down the hall and into the studio. I got quite warm doing all that schleppping!
I know I will receive no sympathy on this argument. I can hear the voices clucking and tsking about mental disorders and crazy behaviors. (And hey! Come to think of it, I just admitted to hearing voices! Never a good sign!) So the Studio Annex is a mess but the work for my New York show is looking really great. Big messes and hoarding proclivities be damned!

*And the above table top assortment featured important stuff like pre-chewed gum, several air line barf bags (not used), old band aids, about a hundred of those little white plastic stoppers that come in the top of milk container spouts... I guess you get the idea. Art supplies!

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