Monday, January 26, 2015

And Now For Something Completely Different... The Weather

This is a picture from that first brush with REAL winter weather.  Bob snow-blew up a storm (haha) on Saturday, clearing a swath wide enough for a HumVee to drive through. I think he may have mentioned it would be handy when this weather episode landed. And here it is! (No, those are not dog turds on the snow pile above. Just a few stray late blowing leaves).
Outside, it's what everyone is expecting and predicting: windy cold, snowy and just starting to accumulate. Perfect for staying indoors (if only Jules would let me- he loves this stuff.) and taking over exposed yellow pictures of the lovely blooming bulbs presented by friends.
Looks sort of Eastern European, doesn't it? We haven't gotten around to making a new curtain cover. Hell, I'm just trying to get back into my studio and make some more art. It's good to be working at a normal pace (whatever that is!) without attempting to finish pieces by a particular date or with a specific theme in mind. Although, I am still dwelling on images of financial calamity and fiscal doom. Plenty of room for exploration there! And I know the subject all too well. Hahahaha.
Bob and I went into Brooklyn yesterday, to meet up with a photographer and have my work documented. I also think it was important for me to see that my work is still hanging on the walls of Odetta Gallery and I didn't hallucinate the entire event. Yes, my work was still there and I even got to talk to some gallery goers and give them some insight into my process. (There are actually pockets of real people who go out and look at art. No kidding!) And despite what seemed like tremendous obstacles- yes, even in the controlled and rarefied environment of a gallery!- we got the pictures done. First it was the sunlight pouring into the gallery and creating incredibly uneven shadows, then it was one piece hung in a tight hallway, where it looks great, but was very difficult to get back far enough to shoot. But photographer Max Yawney did a splendid and meticulous job, adjusting and tweaking and spending all afternoon... He really did my work right. Here's a sample.

Even as a small image, it looks great! Of course, I can't share the squeaky toy sewn into the tip, but hey! At least you get the idea.

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