Thursday, March 1, 2018

Tick Tock!

Yeeeech! So much for a cold winter killing off the ticks! I had just been warned by a friend (hello Louise!) about another friend (hello Roberta!) having pulled an engorged dog tick off of her cat, when I felt a large grape-like appendage on Robin the Good's neck. TICK!
There it is in all of it's canine blood distended glory! And that wasn't the only one... I found two more.
In case that first picture didn't disgust and horrify you quite enough, here's another view:
Who thought these vile vampires up? Nature has some pretty weird inventions. I immediately applied this year's first application of Frontline to Robin's neck. It doesn't kill all the ticks, but it seems to slow them down and prevent them from becoming, well... the size of grapefruit!
And despite the dire predictions of a Nor'easter on our weather horizon, there are many signs that the clock is ticking and spring is coming. Tick tock!

Oh and I promise that my next post contains nicer images. Trust me.

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