Thursday, March 8, 2018

Will This Winter Never End?!

We were eating breakfast, happy to have survived the Stormageddeon or Snow-pocalypse or Bombacyclone Megawetsnowiliciousness, when the phone rang. Bob was informed that the steel delivery truck was at the end of the driveway but his steel couldn't be delivered because there was a tree down. Bob went out to investigate and returned to tell me that two trees were down, all carefully coated in heavy wet snow.
This is the other side. Equally blocked! The steel (unfortunately) took a return ride back to Bridgeport, to be delivered on another day and Bob went to work with the chain saw.
This is the other, smaller cherry tree that cracked. It's sort of too bad as this one had a decorative sweep over the driveway and Bob liked it. This one cleaned up quickly as it wasn't all choked with vines and snow like the above cedar tree.
We were busily sawing and lopping (I chopped up the entangled vines and hauled limbs away) when our neighbor Meghan made a guest appearance and went to work helping drag debris off the driveway. She's been a really good friend in times of need- like when we first moved in and had major ice dams on our roof, causing leaking and general havoc. She pitched right in and held the ladder and called her father, who worked for the utility company to find out what we should do. Meghan called her father again today (and he's in Arizona where it's 85 degrees...) to ask about a branch that is (still) hung up in a tree at the side of the driveway. He said be careful. We're not going to mess with that and will call the utility company.
In the meantime we- maybe surprisingly- still have power and I was able to drive out to the store after lunch. It was slushy but passable and the road were clear. Several people have mentioned that we may get another storm on Monday next week. Where is spring?!?!?

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