Thursday, February 21, 2019

Song Stuck in Head!!!

Image result for elton John images

Okay, I know this happens to all of us. I have a song stuck in my head, and it's been there for oh... maybe five days now. I admit that's a long time even for me.
As we well know, I'm a classical music sort of gal. I like Beethoven, Bartok, Stravinsky, John Cage, Steve Reich etc etc (and even Schoenberg, Webern and Berg! Atonality rocks!) I make occasional forays into electronica and hip hop but I tend to be a bit weak in the pop music department. So why on earth do I have an Elton John song wedged decisively in my skull??? 
I have never thought too much about Elton John; I find him mildly inoffensive when he's playing on the shopping channel at my local supermarket, but I have never really gone out of my way to listen to him. (Although I did have- and enjoy- his first album when I was a youngster. I especially liked the song "Burn Down the Mission". (From Tumbleweed Junction)
Okay so what gets stuck in my head? "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road". And the weirdest thing is that as I don't even know the words, I keep hearing only one section of the song... the part that goes "So goodbye yellow brick road, the dogs of society howl. You can't plant me in your pent house. I'm going back to my plow." That's it. Over and over and over again.*
Is this some special personal message from Elton John to me? Am I supposed to understand the direction my life will take from here on in?
Not sure, but as an interesting aside, my father's name was Elton- not a typical name. Occasionally, when I was young, some wag would call our house asking if "Elton... Elton John was home". Hahaha.
Anyway, I actually looked up this song on YouTube, listened to all the music, read all the lyrics thinking maybe this would stop my Elton John song loop. To no avail.
 But in an effort to cease and desist, please Sir Elton!- I offer a link to sing along with. Maybe if we all sing at once, in harmony together, I shall be released.

*Maybe this has to do with this particularly strong full wolf moon? Dogs of society howling?!?!? I cannot begin to know, but I have been having sleep disruptions and then incredibly deep, dream filled sleep. Leave it to the moon!

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