Tuesday, February 12, 2019

What Time Is It Anyway?

That's me as a human sundial. I thought the shadow of Bob's metalwork, perched on the picnic table (at 6:00 am in the light of our house floodlight) made a great image. Somehow I got into the act, too.
I haven't slept well for two nights. One of my favorite pass times when sleepless is to check the time every five minutes or so. This became an interesting exercise because our clock decided to go a bit bonkers and start posting random times. (perhaps it's simply taking an existential view of things and is suggesting that time is an artificial construct. Fascinating, but not useful as one wants a clock to be.)

I'd wake up and the clock would say "3:37".  I'd think it odd as it didn't seemed like we'd been in bed all that long The next time I checked, it would read "12:17". Then "4:52". Then back to "2:44". It was disconcerting and discombobulating as waking up in the middle of the night inevitably is anyway.
So sometimes I get up and go on the computer but sometimes I just lay there and stew in my own juices. Sometimes, Bob wakes up (or I wake him up) and we discuss foreign affairs or the state of the art world or The Orange Menace and just how fast do we think the Mueller investigation will wrap up and is Don Jr going to jail. Unfortunately, many of these topics seem designed to keep one awake. This clock may well be a member of the Trump administration as it lies constantly. It probably knows Roger Stone, too.
This is the clock we used to have in the bedroom. It now lives in my studio, not that I am preoccupied with time while enjoying artistic pursuits. It's just that when it lived upstairs  it was seemingly possessed by an odd demon that insisted on playing a tinny electronic version of "Happy Birthday" at odd hours. I think I may have previously reported on how unnerving it was to be hearing "Happy Birthday" echoing through the house... sort of like a Twilight Zone episode. Since moving to my studio, it's been remarkably quiet but tells me the temperature before and after I get a fire going in my wood stove. See that? It was 42 degrees this morning:  way too cold for my creative juices to flow!
Right now, I honestly don't care what time is, or even what time the clock wants to tell me it is. I'm tired and am going to go take a nap. See you... whenever!

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