Sunday, July 12, 2015

Road Trip

Where else but in rural Connecticut would you see a roadside Buddha? I have been meaning to shoot a picture of this for some time now but keep forgetting to bring the camera. This is in the town of Morris where we almost bought a house. (I think you remember that particular fiasco...) But Friday on my way home from work, the gods were with me and I had my camera and the Buddha smiled on me.
We went to New Bedford for the weekend so that Bob could talk to a gallerist who will be showing his work come September. I have very high hopes for Bob's show; not only his work dynamite but the gallery is really nice and the dealer has plans.
Here's a Buddha assistant. There's two of these figures to the left and right of the big colorful Buddha. There's other interesting winged figures in the back, closer to the temple itself. The color of this place is absolutely spectacular in full sunlight!
We visited with our friends Don and Elizabeth who are charming hosts/hostesses and showed us a nice time. We went to three art openings on Saturday night and saw lots of people that we haven't seen in ages. It was a hectic day and a half in New Bedford. But it's good to be home even if it's crazy hot and I have hell day at work tomorrow when I have to hang seven hundred and fifty thousand pictures. Maybe the Buddha can send an assistant or two!

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