Thursday, December 10, 2015

Big Feet and Other Scary Stuff

(Well some how I screwed up (while attempting to multi-task) and I published this blog before I was even done) and someone even looked at it!).
Ahem! So Jules the Dog and I went out for our walk and had only just gotten to the car parking area of the dirt road when I saw the above track in the nice soft sand. That is a big foot print! We actually walked all the way back home to get the camera to document the print. And I compared it the listed mountain lion/bear/bobcat prints on the Internet and it looks just like Mountain Lion.
For scale, here's my hand next to it.
(Funny that other people did exactly the same thing for scale. You can google that.) Anyway, sort of freaks me out that there are these super large felines prowling around out there, ready to eat me and Jules. Yes, I suppose it might be a very large coyote but that would be bigger than most I've ever seen. And I took a shot of Jules' footprint in the same sand and it was no where near as deep or impressive and he weighs 55-60 pounds.
Here are a few other  things to be scared of:
Ahhhhhhhhh!!! Ben Carson AND George Bush! Or even worse:
Follow that link to get the full effect! Pretty scary stuff out there... and it's real!
Or how about this charmer:
What's terrifying is thinking of any one of them as president... give me mountain lions any day!

And it only gets weirder; just wait until next weeks debate. OOOOOOOOOOoooooo! You'd think every day is Halloween!

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