Sunday, October 16, 2016

More Autumn Color

As previously reported, Bob and I have been very busy ministering to projects around the BauHaus Chicken Coop. With the help of the new chain saw, Bob's been gathering fire wood (I helped a little...) and the pile is already growing appreciably. It scares the hell out of me (and Maggie and Robin) when Bob fells a tree as it lands with an impressive THUD but it does mean our house and studios will be warm this winter and Bob knows what he's doing (I hope!) so the more wood the merrier!
The above picture is our scabby front door, soon after I spackled it in advance of a good paint job. We have been threatening to repaint our many front (or side) doors for ages and even had a color in mind. Recently, we went on a very successful shopping spree; I think we hit 6 stores- certainly a new record for us. Bob got clothes and I got socks and we got blue paint for the front door. Yay!

And that's after only a single coat. Isn't that spectacular? It looks so clean and (in keeping with the BauHaus Chicken Coop theme) MODERN. It's the color of the October sky and definitely more cheerful that plain brown like the door frame. This has inspired us so much that we plan on hitting the other doors with a coat of paint before the snows fall...
And here's another bit of fall color that I couldn't resist. Around Maggie's field, there are several tree stumps, both large and small, that have sprouted glorious blossoms of mushrooms. Mixed with the pine needles, they're beautiful (and to my mind) more interesting than chrysanthemums!

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