Thursday, December 15, 2016

Full Moon

I can't deny it, and the full moon isn't helping: sleep is sometimes a fleeting occurrence. Talking with others has corroborated the clear fact that since the election, sleep disturbances are on the rise. I've been delaying posting to my blog because I didn't want every post to be dominated and preoccupied with recent historic events, but inevitably, the swirling spirals out of control and back towards the election results...
I am still in denial and recent revelations as to Russian hacking doesn't inspire confidence in the November outcome. I have signed so many petitions that I risk carpal tunnel and my inbox overflows with solicitations for donations to fight off the assaults on our freedoms, our resources, our sanity.
Troubling appointments, bizarre twitter rants and refusal to participate in security briefings... all of it adds up to a rather rocky start to the next administration not to mention the Holiday Season. Not much to celebrate here!
(Another omen! A dead mouse appeared at the top of the stairs; I'm not sure whether it's a victim of Robin's developing hunting prowess or a message from the gods!) Suddenly it's a cold dark season and it reminds me of that things are only going to devolve into even darker places. We have no Christmas tree yet, I'll get fatter if I bake Christmas cookies (and I read a story that said people are putting on weight since the election- stress induced overeating) and all my friends and I do is discuss how this happened. So much for Yule Tide cheer!

Oh, and as addendum, some of you will remember that the Bush Administration (Dubya incarnation) was a cottage industry for me. I created what I called "The Presidential Library"- three volumes inspired by the shenanigans and malapropisms of George W. They sold quite well. It says something about the incoming Orange Menace that I have yet to have a single idea or artistic response to his soon to be coronation. Heaven help us!

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