Monday, April 10, 2017

Tax Time!

It's hard to believe that that's my studio table. I decided that if I did my taxes in my studio, it would be impossible to ignore the mess and avoid doing them. I am pretty adept at finding other things to do...
Like raking leaves or even hanging out the laundry- anything but having to do my taxes! So, yes, I spread out on my studio table, knowing that I'd get them done as I couldn't use my table and work on my most recent piece. I trick myself occasionally.
It worked: I'm all done. I must have set a new speed record for compiling, adding, computing, correcting, refiguring and copying my taxes. I was seriously annoyed that I had to run upstairs three times (!) to go on the IRS website and calculate various evil and arcane equations. Who thinks this stuff up? As I relentlessly intone every year, the government is especially crazy to trust people like me to do their taxes. On the best of days, I struggle to do things like percentages and on the worst of days, even simple subtraction is a real mind bender. (Please never ask to see my check book.) And the inclusion of Premium Earned Tax Credits to account for my ObamaCare is especially challenging as there are inexplicable sub-categories and side charts. There is even a paragraph that I swear the IRS is saying something to the tune of: "Trust us; just multiply this number (that makes no sense) by this other number (Don't ask us how we arrived at this number; just do it.)" So far, I have always received a refund so I must be doing things right, either that or the agents checking my form feel sorry for me.*
What was especially irksome today was that it had to have been the nicest day this year- an amazingly nice day! However, I am on a course of antibiotics and am supposed to stay out of the sun so I had to ignore the benevolent sun and greening grass. It did force me to stay on task.
Here's something I can attest to. The IRS knows how tough doing taxes can be. They kept suggesting we go drinking after filing:
See? "Search current forms and PUBS". They're apparently recommending bars and drinking establishments in your zip code. Although I'm not supposed to have alcohol while on this prescription; I guess I'll have to delay my celebration!
I debated not sending in my tax this year. If the current Unpresidented resident of the White House refuses to release his taxes, then I feel like I shouldn't have to submit my taxes. I am disheartened that they are using our money to do terrible things like bomb Syria. If they asked any one of us for recommendations, I am sure we could come up with better ways to spend a dollar. For many years now, I have advocated for a multiple choice section on the 1040 inquiring as to where you want your taxes to go. Then we'd see what's important!

*And I'd like to add that it helps when you fill out your return in at least three different colors of ink from at least four different pens. I am sure the attending IRS agent thinks I'm "unstable" to put it mildly. But one pen ran dry and every time I went upstairs, there was a different pen at the ready...

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