Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Constant Consternation

I have been having many-so very many!- WTF moments lately. Just as I think I have ripened into a fairly unflappable semi-adult 61 year old, something else happens to make me exclaim, "What the Fuck"?!!?!?
Take this week for example. The Orange Menace, who masquerades as something called "The President" continues to provide so many WTF episodes that it's causing my head to spin completely around ala Regan in "The Exorcist". Firings, subpoenas... WTF!??!
And the weather? Does this sound like the first day of Spring?!?! We're expecting our fourth (FOURTH!??!?) Nor'easter in three weeks?!?!? WTF!?!?
I experienced a personal WTF moment after I had a flat tire.  Allegedly, you can't replace only one tire on the Subaru; because of all wheel drive, it is strongly "suggested" that you replace all four tires.  Each tire was quoted somewhere around $140. But it occurs to me that the Subaru has 234000 miles on it, leaks oil and smells like gas... Really? Isn't that throwing good money after bad? WTF!?!
I guess I should believe anything that comes my way, but I still keep reeling. That's why I embarked on the above piece, suitably exclaiming WTF!??! I think it expresses what many of us have been feeling.
Me? I want warm sunny weather outside my house and calm inside the White House!

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