Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving Meat Feast

Can anyone tell me why this outlandish and frankly disgusting outer garment keeps showing up in the side border of our email? Bob and I have shopped online for boots and dog leashes and flower bulbs but neither one of us has searched for "jackets that look like marbled slabs of beef". Here's a fashion shot, featuring a contraposto male, just itchin' to show his meat off to some lucky lady:
Fetching, isn't it? And for some truly weird advertising, there seems to be "Arby's" embroidered on his left chest... Do they require employees to wear these smocks at work? Wouldn't that convince more people to eschew the consumption of meat? Hasn't anyone followed the downer cow/mad cow/Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease connection!?!?!?
I take into consideration that it is Thanksgiving tomorrow (be thankful that these ads have not been turning up in your email!) and hunting season is probably in full metal jacket swing, but we're not eating red meat anyway. We're having Chicken Marbella for dinner. Try printing chicken thighs on a jacket! (Or on second thought, don't!)
Okay... here's (I'm assuming) the same company doing themselves even one better if that was possible. Ready for this? (I think not: it was 6:00 am when I first saw this and almost screamed out loud.)
Yes, that's a jacket printed to look like the naked, incredibly hirsute fat middle aged white guy. Oh please! My eyesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Seriously? Who designs this stuff?) I guess this jacket is the logical rejoinder to red meat; a little white flesh, anyone? And would you enjoy a side serving of prions? Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Okay, okay... there's one more (incredibly enough) article of clothing in this line... you know the old jokes about how you don't want to see sausages being made? How about your anorak?

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