Yes, major congratulations are in order to the brave Greta Thunberg. She's amazing: beginning her Climate Crisis vigilance alone a mere year or two ago, sitting in front of the Swedish Parliament and now at the age of 16 (!!), she is now the face of a movement. A much needed movement... as we all know, the planet is getting astonishingly little help from the powers that be! Greta Thunberg is the inspiration we all need and proof that one solitary voice can activate a whole movement.
So why am I seething? Because of the next image, and you know what's coming!
Okay so what moron, what asshole on The Orange Menace's re-election campaign team thought this was funny or witty or what? Inspired? I can't believe that I am still capable of being surprised by anything he and his evil cohorts do, yet I am. Everyday, they sink to lower and lower lows (Don Jr. shooting rare sheep? House rethuglicans refusing to admit to facts and attempting to thwart an impeachment that should have occurred months ago?) So The Orange Menace tweets vile nonesense at Greta Thunberg because he's jealous of a courageous teenager and then has his tangerine mug collaged onto her body? This a mere week after he posted that hideous mash-up with his foul visage collaged onto Sylvester Stallone's body? Delusional a little? Where are the adults? Who misplaced The Orange Menace's meds? Is this really the world I live in?!?
The world would (obviously) have been better served if The Orange One had taken Greta Thunberg's ideas and started a Climate Crisis task force. Instead, we get some travesty of "the power of promises kept". Just WTF does that even mean??!!?
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