Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Black Lives Matter

 I know I am in the company of many when I say how disturbing the murder of George Floyd was. The video of him saying, "I can't breathe", (echoing Eric Garner's very words from several years earlier), and the fact that three fellow officers stood by and enabled this brutal crime had sickened me and made me despair. But then to hear The Orange Menace somehow imply that, "It was a great day for George Floyd" and how George Floyd be "happy" that unemployment figures had fallen and the economy looked to be recovering made me feel crazy. I almost cried. The man was murdered...
On Sunday, I ran out to our local Stop and Shop to pick up a few items. I bought what I needed and as I exited the parking lot onto the main road, I spotted a gathering of people. I knew what was up and drove home quickly (as I had butter and several other perishable items in the car) and grabbed Bob, who was mowing the lawn.
"Quick!", I implored Bob, "There's a Black Lives Matter protest rally!" The week before there had (apparently) been one- that we missed- and it had made the local paper. I had vowed if there was another one, we'd attend.
We got there a few minutes late, having missed a brief introduction or speaker, but we took our places along the side of the road, holding up signs printed with the names of African American citizens who had been murdered by police and racist vigilantes. *(1)
(Not great pictures but the sun was really bright and I find phone photography especially challenging outdoors. And then you have to type in tiny letters...) I was so happy that Bob and I were able to stand along side fellow towns people (259 of us!!) and make a show of support for justice and change. This is a town that often votes rethuglican!
Many people passing in cars honked support and flashed fists and peace signs. There were also several tense moments where angry looking men in large trucks gunned their engines in an aggressive fashion; you had to think of previous protests where people drove cars and trucks into the crowd! But civility prevailed and several police officers even attended and offered bottles of water and thanked us for gathering (!!!). A woman standing next to us told Bob that the week before, three police cars had cruised past slowly, in an intimidating manner. I'm sure glad they changed their tone!
We will go again next week if there are further protests. It made me feel that we can do something to change the system. Hopefully, real change will finally occur.

*(1) And yes we all stood at least 6 feet apart and everyone wore masks.

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