Friday, December 4, 2020

We're Talkin' COVID Time!


First there was one in Utah. Then there was one in Romania... and California a day later. Now look what appeared in our horse field! We have no idea how it got there but our bananas are ripening, our knives are sharper and Robin the Good is now fluent in 7 languages! Hahahahahaha! (*1)

Anybody else wondering what day it is? Sometimes, even the time of day is up for grabs. It doesn't help that Bob keeps insisting, "It's always Saturday" so that Thursday is now officially the 6th Saturday of the week. Or something! Maybe the monolith can help us keep track of time.

I suppose on some level it really doesn't make any difference when this is. Not having to report of work, I can float through the week and do what I need to do when I need to do it. So there.

I am also assuming that this is time more the way our animal friends experience it. They wake up, feel hungry, get us to feed them and then feel the need to eliminate and then sleep again. It really doesn't matter to Robin the Good if it's Thursday or Friday; she wants to eat and poop and sleep. Nothing is going to change that!

Although I stand corrected on that last point: tomorrow is Robin the Good's birthday! Hooray to the best doggo ever! She is such a treat. Don't tell her, but I got her a very realistic squirrel toy. It will either freak her out or she'll think she suddenly succeeded in actually catching one of those little devils. So I know that tomorrow is Saturday, December 5th.(*2)

(*1) Okay, so we're getting just a tad crazy here. But you've got to love these monoliths that are popping up like turkey-timers all over kingdom come. I especially like the original comments that the monolith was either made by aliens or artists!

(*2) And a big shout-out to John, my sorta-brother-in-law who's birthday is Sunday, December 6th. I hope he has a great day. Perhaps I'll get him a realistic squirrel toy, too. Or maybe a portable, personal-sized monolith.

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