Tuesday, April 19, 2022

A Reseasonable Rant


Above, a work in progress "Long Suffering Artist" a tribute to all of us artists; "We don't get no respect!" I know there is a popular myth that many people share: artists are just laying about, drinking martinis and absinthe before noon and then sleeping with their models. Artists are always whining and complaining while living a life of indolence and self pity. And artist have it so easy: all they have to do is smear some stupid colors all over a canvas and indulge their juvenile fantasies and then wonder why they're perpetually misunderstood.

In reality, most artists that I know are diligent hard-working, thick-skinned individuals that ask little but are treated like shit in return. We are constantly being harangued into schlepping our work all over kingdom come in the off-chance that the "opportunity" is worth it and some collector/curator/art world celebrity will perhaps throw a glance in the direction of our work. (Often poorly hung by a fire extinguisher or exit sign.) We're also endlessly being asked to donate to some good cause. (*1) Typically that "good cause" is for the self-serving non-profit organization (*2) asking for the donation; as in, "We're having a fundraiser and we're asking YOU to donate a work. And then you can pay another $75 (or $100 or $150) to attend the fundraiser". What a great deal!

I also have to point out the "thick-skinned" aspect of my above piece. Artists have to cultivate  thick skin so all the undeserved criticism they hear can just bounce off. Rejection, rejection and more rejection! And some how, the poor artist has to keep smiling and working and believing in themselves. Try doing this for fifty or sixty years! Even bad real estate agents (or dentists or mailmen) get paid! Everybody's got an opinion...

Anyway, I'm ranting today as I've just been asked to jump through a few too many hoops. I'm tired of being "carroted and stick-ed" with the observation that, "There will be lots of publicity!" or "The exposure will be good!" Ha! Usually, there's just the deafening silence of the void, staring back at you. And the worst part is that I feel a hypocrite as I am so terrified of not getting recognized that I make bad equations and play along. I am an art whore. I am embarrassed to admit that I am contemplating making an entirely new piece for a show (that I might not even get accepted to) that I only have three weeks to complete as it has to be a specific size... and it's not small! (*3) 

What's an artist to do?!?!?

(*1) Yes some are legit- like to raise money for a food bank or Ukrainian refugees. That I (and most artists) gladly do... and often.

(*2) We have a friend who said that people join boards of non-profits to get a parking space for their BMW's. Seems right to me!

(*3) Don't even get me going on "themed shows" where the work has to be about some inane thing I would never contemplate creating work about...All artists have at least a flat-file drawer full of work created for a theme that they're stuck with.

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