After a two and a half year break from actual, physical, in-person art exhibits, it feels really good to be in a show at a gallery with real-life (or possibly "life-like") people in attendance. We certainly hope last night wasn't a super-spreader event, but maybe it was worth the risks.
As a friend correctly pointed out a few days ago, I have been lamenting not showing frequently enough- and then I was suddenly in three shows. Hahahaha! I guess I've been laying the groundwork; sewing up a storm and doing some out-reach and having a couple of studio visits. I have been busy and I have the minute puncture wounds all over my finger to prove it...
Above, a soft sculpture (in a private collection no less!) that's inspiring me to re-visit the word "resist". After last weeks leaked Supreme Court draft, I think at least 1/2 the population of this country should involve themselves in whatever acts of resistance they see fit. Like I intone all too frequently, DON'T GET ME STARTED!!! I am beyond pissed off, but thank goodness I can channel my rage into something productive like art.
The piece at the top is a good case in point. "Women on Top" came about in a spontaneous self-challenge, driven by dead lines and the crazed desire to be in a museum show. Yes, when needed, I swallow everything resembling principles and simply push myself. I really need to show my work and I really need to believe that someday, somewhere my hard work will pay off. Hahahhahahaha! That's the ringing of deranged laughter that you hear!!!