Saturday, May 14, 2022

It's Show Time!


After a two and a half year break from actual, physical, in-person art exhibits, it feels really good to be in a show at a gallery with real-life (or possibly "life-like") people in attendance. We certainly hope last night wasn't a super-spreader event, but maybe it was worth the risks.

As a friend correctly pointed out a few days ago, I have been lamenting not showing frequently enough- and then I was suddenly in three shows. Hahahaha! I guess I've been laying the groundwork; sewing up a storm and doing some out-reach and having a couple of studio visits. I have been busy and I have the minute puncture wounds all over my finger to prove it...

Above, a soft sculpture (in a private collection no less!) that's inspiring me to re-visit the word "resist". After last weeks leaked Supreme Court draft, I think at least 1/2 the population of this country should involve themselves in whatever acts of resistance they see fit. Like I intone all too frequently, DON'T GET ME STARTED!!! I am beyond pissed off, but thank goodness I can channel my rage into something productive like art. 

The piece at the top is a good case in point. "Women on Top" came about in a spontaneous self-challenge, driven by dead lines and the crazed desire to be in a museum show. Yes, when needed, I swallow everything resembling  principles and simply push myself. I really need to show my work and I really need to believe that someday, somewhere my hard work will pay off. Hahahhahahaha! That's the ringing of deranged laughter that you hear!!!

Monday, May 2, 2022

Losing your Mind While Gardening


Don't say I haven't been trying! It's Spring, the birds are singing, the sun is shining... and we've had nothing but incredibly strong, gusting wind for three straight days. If you dare to step outside, the wind knocks your hat off, takes your breadth away and destroys any impetus to do whatever it was that you went out to do.

 Like rake leaves? Ha! Three times I piled the leaves on my tarp and three times a bloody blast from Hell swept them up and sent them spilling all over the lawn. Reminds me of the stories of the Mistrals of France, where violent winds drive people crazy. I have an entire arms-length list of projects that are entirely on hold.

 And then the lawn men descended next door. These human locusts propel themselves back and forth over our neighbor's lawn creating a deafening roar. Only problem is that the lawn hasn't even begun to grow and what with that aforementioned wind there are clouds of dirt and dust. It now looks like a scene from The Grapes of Wrath out there.

 And to add the proverbial icing to the metaphorical cake, the air has been heavily scented with diesel fumes as one of the neighbor's kids is now driving an ancient diesel powered truck. He conscientiously allows it to warm up for fifteen or twenty minutes before driving off in a plume of acrid smoke. Typically, this coincides with my feeding my poor horses who are by now suffering from black lung, covered in dust and losing their minds due to that wind.

I'm staying inside until next month. Bye!!! (*1)

(*1) Yes! The tulips were all brought inside; they're supposed to be for Bob's birthday, but they were a bit early. Now they're exploding and shattering all over the house. We have multiple vases of them.