Monday, October 10, 2022

34 Big Ones!

Yup! Frost killed the basil on Saturday night and that means it was time for Bob and I to celebrate 34 years on non-anniversary. (I'm considering asking, "Where did/does the time go?" but it's rhetorical and a cliche so I won't.)

Savvy blog readers will notice that the basil is in a small plastic pot. Out basil did so badly that- as noted in a previous posting- we did not have pesto this summer... not even once! One day while at our local supermarket, I happened to spy herb plants (and organic no less!) and purchased the above victim. Pretty sad that this plant was born to be offered up as a sacrificial avatar of our anniversary. But it did its job and here we are.


We also bought a nice cheerful little chrysanthemum to celebrate our 34 years of un-married adventures, along with sushi and tempura and seaweed and teriyaki. It was a pleasant evening until we accidentally attempted to watch a comedy which was describing the relationship of two women (one of them ostensibly an asshole artist!!) who would spend much of the next hour and a half beating each other into bloody pulps- and comas- multiple times. Be careful of what passes as "comedy".

And then there was this:

Yes! An amazing full moon (Hunter's moon) that I just couldn't do justice to in pictures. The whole sky glowed and the abundant clouds were tufted and rippled and rumpled. It was pretty spectacular!

Hope everyone got to enjoy it and thanks for the anniversary good wishes!

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