Sunday, April 7, 2024



There I am, mugging for the camera in warmer days of years gone by. I am using this pucture to simple act a visual place holder. The real story here is the story. My latest garden article was deemed too edgy for the magazine that I occasionally write for. I get it: it maybe addressed some sensitive topics in my typically sardonic fashion. Therefore, I am posting it here so you can decide for yourself. Funny? or not!! Enjoy! (And let me know in the comments below!)

Themes for This Year’s Gardens

Fashion dictates the width of one’s lapels, or the shape of fins upon one’s car. Assuredly, gardeners are every bit as prone to exploitation in this coming and going of tides and trends as the next group of consumers. Last year’s All White or Santa Fe Garden seems ho-hum this spring. But what to do? In keeping with this hectic frenzy to be the first on one’s block, I proffer the following “hot tips”: a sort of sneak preview into this year’s cutting-edge trends in garden fashion.

The Car-den: Here in America the automobile reigns supreme. We are constantly seeking out the elusive concept of the true “American Garden”, and what could be more American? As we all have at least one rusting hulk taking up space on our properties, think “recycle”. We all know the old tire-inside-out planter trick- just take it a piece “further up the highway”, so to speak. Hubcaps make dandy planters, and an old transaxle stood on end makes a distinctive sculptural focal point. Vines may be grown up a spare drive shaft and that old windshield- cracked or not- makes an impromptu cold frame. Go the extra mile and create exciting garden benches from tattered back seats. In a pinch, the trunk makes a convenient tool or potting shed. Happy motoring!

The Remodeled Garden: Having some home improvements done to the domicile? What better source for garden ideas! Last year’s color coordinated appliances may look dated indoors, but outside, they’re sure to please. Let the neighbors know you’re sprucing up by planting that old sink in a garden bed… charming birdbath! And the matching toilet looks perfect with some ferns or trailing lobelia cascading over the rim. Tearing out the wood-grain paneling? It makes a stunning fence and from a distance it looks almost real. Linoleum floor gotta go? Try it as a whole new dimension in path covering. Simulated brick is so much easier to work with than the real thing- no buckling or heaving due to frost. You’ll find that wipe clean finish is terrifically low maintenance. Let your imagination run wild!

The In Town/Out of Town Garden: What better way to show you’re concerned about urban blight than to bring it on home? Here, the mood is cracked pavement and crumbling infrastructure. Tear out all those hybrid tea roses and upscale ligularias! Replant with ailanthus and ragweed! Spray paint quirky graffiti slogans like “Organic Gardening Rules” on the stockade fence. After dining at your favorite fast-food restaurant, bring home those wrappers and coffee cups and toss them in your yard. Chain link fencing is also a nice touch, especially if it’s slightly torn and you must crawl under it to gain admission to the garden. Put up signs that read, “No Loitering” and “Unauthorized Vehicles Will be Towed”. Get your friends to slump up against the fencing and solicit handouts or shout obscenities at visitors. This style of gardening is sure to gain approval among recent transplants to the country as it will make them feel right at home.

Star Ship 2024: Jealous of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk and their journeys into outer-space? How about exploring those vast frontiers on your own chunk of Terra Firma? Nothing signals “Houston, we have a problem” more provocatively than renting a back hoe, creating several good-sized craters and applying generous tons of trap rock. Rename that garden cart the “Lunar Lander” and spend nights Moon-scaping. Plant exotic sedums, lichen, lithops and other “alien” species in large drifts...  Or better yet, consider “Is there Life on Mars?”, eschew plants altogether and simply spread that attractive orange mulch everywhere. Hire your neighbor’s kids to fly drones overhead and “beam” pictures back to “Earth”. Area 51 will have nothing on you and you’ll be boldly going where no one has gone before!


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