Friday, February 7, 2025

Tootling as Rome Burns


Well what can one do when the Democracy you've always enjoyed is being burned to the ground by orange bullies and their twisted billionaire pals? In my case, I togged up for a chilly- but pleasant!- tootle around the lower horse field. (*1)

It was slushy and icy in places so we took it easy... no cantering But Neko seemed happy for the diversion as this winter has put a freeze (so to speak) on riding as it's been alternately 1.) really cold 2.) super windy 3.) cold and windy 4.) icy and slippery. I've had to cancel several lessons and both Neko and I are getting fat and sloppy. Neko's ears were forward for most of my time aboard; a sure sign that she was having fun.

So while not astride, I have (of course) been producing political zingers... so much fucking raw material!!!! I would have wished for a different election out come and the ability to create pieces with different subject matter. Yikes! Here's one now:

A work in progress (WIP), you will notice the edges are not finished. But this word resonates at present. (*2) They are banning books all over and editing verboten words from government publications. I just watched a video of a young woman explain how she is a teacher, reporting to the education department. She and all of her fellow teachers had been given folders with texts of issues that were to be discussed at some conference. Their folders were taken and shredded- replaced by sanitized versions. How Soviet can you get!!!

So it's back on board Neko for me. Today I'm going to the newly refurbished Peabody Museum at Yale to view bones and butterflies. It will be a nice diversion... In the meantime, here's last week's image from atop my pony:

Happy Trails to you!

(*1) My booted foot looks so funny in my shadow! It makes Neko look as if she has an oddly placed penis or a short fifth leg. 

(*2) For those that don't know, "samizdat" literally means "self-published" in Russian. It was a term used for hand copied works of forbidden writing. Lots was banned in the Soviet Union!!

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