Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Dunno... Is It Me?

Maybe it's that spell of winter (even if we've barely had a winter) that is highlighted by president's birthdays and apocryphal ground hogs (that do or don't see certain shadows), but there is sure is a lull that kicks in about this time of year that makes it hard to get going. Today was (unexpectedly) cold and windy and drove me running indoors with an unattractive red dribbly nose and no urge to visit the great outdoors. So I cast about the homestead- interior style- for a likely subject to photograph. See, I've even had a tough time posting a blog entry...
Bob and I are enjoying the gentler pursuits of serious studio time, so househole projects be damned! (Plus we've had no money to really buy and install raw materials.) But come this spring, there a few things coming down the pike. Like planting the gardens: only this year, the beds are dug and there is manure a-plenty so we're expecting a bigger, more managed harvest. Also, the top o' the stairs is slated to become Rita's clothing closet and I just cannot wait. I spend major amounts of time running up and down the stairs gathering elements of my wardrobe from several far-flung closets and dressers. We'll also be slathering stucco and quartz rocks on the face of the chimney and making it a worthy and artistic statement. And recreating the outside seating area (loathe to call it a terrace; sounds too grand!) in cement and stone instead of rotting wood. I'm tired already.
The only photo I succeeded in concocting today was Jules's fishnet pantyhose laying on my studio floor and resembling a dancing frog... or is that me? I think we all suffer just a bit form darkeness and cabin fever.

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