Saturday, April 14, 2012

Grape Expectations

We've been busy in the Agricultural Triangle. Grapes became this weeks obsession and we bought two Concord grapes (dark purple), a Niagara (white) and a Reliance (red and not pictured above as it was just purchased today). Bob dug holes large enough to plant a grand piano or two assuring that the roots will have plenty of space to expand. Bob has planned poles and wires for trellising and possibly an arbor someday. We've both always loved Concord grapes but the other two seemed like a natural: a color for every taste and mood! It may take a few years, but we're already anticipating all the fun things we can do with them.
Here's a shot of Bob climbing one of our three compost piles. (This is what we do for fun, mind you).
That other pile in the right front is raw manure and available to any and all who want great fertility this year. You, too, can have a compost pile to climb on...
And while on the subject of the vegetable garden, Bob re-thought some old metal work he had and fashioned four gates for the garden. Each garden face now has a gate. That makes it really convienient to water and off-load manure and tend to the grapes! Here's a shot of one of the gates:
You will, of course, notice that there is no fence on this side. But at least we have the gate! We did buy the fencing to finish the perimeter and that next weeks project. (Last year we made do with bird netting. We didn't want to erect permanent fencing as Bob was taking down a few trees.)

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