Friday, August 23, 2013

Another Stage Complete

Bob and I got the sill installed on the block. That was a big accomplishment. We had to get the wood- in sixteen and twenty foot lengths, no less- and then cover the underneath of the pressure treated wood with this sort of cheesy yellow foam stuff that comes in rolls. It provides a barrier between the concrete block and the wood so that the wood won't rot. But it's one of those products that just doesn't seem like it would do anything, but what on earth could you use in place of it? It would take days to make some kind of barrier. It was cheap, so I guess I shouldn't question it's existence! (I have left over piece of it and will probably use it in an art project).
Anyway, Bob taught me a neat trick for marking where the bolt holes were to be drilled. We lined the board up on the sill, with the bolts sticking up from the concrete, and wham! Bob bashed the wood with a sledge hammer. It created a dent in the board and that's where you drill your hole. Clever.
Then we had to lift the board back on the block and bolt it down. We dodged rain all afternoon, but we finished and it looks nice: ready for the framing to appear.
I was tired last night, what with all the sill-iness (hahaha) of the day,but of course woke up after only an hour or so of sleep and couldn't fall back to sleep. I tossed and turned all night, finally falling asleep somewhere around five this morning. Just in time for the alarm to ring and send me off to work.
So my brain is fried and I am ready to crawl off to bed. Here's what Bob did this evening:
No, he wasn't grilling us some wonderful organic repast. He was burning squash vines that had been harboring these nasty worms. I think I blogged earlier about those awful worms that bored holes into the squash vines, causing the whole plant to wilt and die. You can't compost pestilence like that; you have to burn them. But that led to Bob and I musing on how we haven't cooked out doors even once this season. And the summer seems to be advancing too rapidly to fall...

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