Sunday, May 15, 2016

Dogs Jumping Over the Moon and Other Subjects

Yes, Robin the Good jumps over the moon in her dreams! Impossible to actually photograph the lil' dickens in action as she moves waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fast, so I opt for the Photoshop version when she sleeps. A baseball made a fine moon. But I promised Maggie that she will star in her own blog post soon as lil' Robin has been hogging the limelight! (Remember Maggie? The Mexican Pony? See? I have been neglecting her!)
So this blog posting will simply serve to get us all up to speed. Spring is relentlessly a busy time here at the BobnRita Ranch (aka The BauHaus Chicken Coop) as there's art shows and spring planting and  friends visiting and it all seems to happen at once.
Bob's been super busy since the New York Botanical Garden bought a slew of his peony rings. They're carrying them in their gift shop and discerning customers are driving up from New Jersey and elsewhere to purchase them. He even shipped peony rings to Minnesota! Maybe they'll start buying his sculpture. I keep telling Bob: that's how it happens. Get well known for one thing and your art work will follow.
Here's another fun project. If you recall the story about seeded Concord grapes, you will know that I abandoned the search. But my intrepid sister Beatrice went searching far and wide for the elusive Concord with seeds and scored one for Bob's birthday. Kudos for her tenacity!  The little cutting is happily ensconced near a window, warm and moist, and producing diminutive grape clusters that Bob is diligently plucking off. A stick and a leaf and it wants to produce grapes! (The will to live and reproduce... more on that subject later. Dangerous topics ahead!)
Anyway, we persist and spring is springing.
And okay: as a preview to a future dogcentric posting, I present Robin upside down flying through space (again). I kid her that we've had so many boy dogs that come equipped with "balls and bat" (ie: testicles and penis) that when Robin is belly up, it looks like "something is missing". There's like... blank space. She thinks we're weird. (Probably right.)

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