Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Perseverance Furthers

(Just one of the many inscrutable moments to be found in our gardens. And I thought it was appropriate to put up a picture of something art-like but not actually art because (and this is a good thing) many of my most recent pieces are out in shows.)
Ahem! Yes, just in time for my birthday (that would be the 20th of July in case you're contemplating sending cards or exotic gifts!) I am finally in a show at Real Art Ways. This is a major event as I have attempted to show there for a good portion of my adult life. I guess it signifies that perseverance furthers (as the I Ching would tell us) and that sometimes just plain old being alive long enough pays off. It also helps to have friends who are artists and curators and who really like your work...
So despite having fallen victim to a mildly vicious summer cold- which everyone at work thoughtfully explored before passing it along to me, I am happy to be approaching 60 with an artistic milestone to celebrate. Hell, I've been making art a long time!
Wow! That's my name. It isn't an accident or a mistake. Earlier this week, a friend sent that along. (Thanks Elly!) I guess it reinforces that I really am having a one person show. And here it is- or a sampling of it:


Hey! The installation view that David Borawski (aforementioned artist/friend/curator) sent along last night actually appeared! Now you don't have to go see the show. Only kidding! I think I'm excited...
And people have to show up as there's two other shows opening that same night so there's bound to be overlap. Even if other people get lost looking for the bathroom or buying snacks, they will eventually stumble into my show.
I trust this last picture will show up; I looked at the preview page and it appeared as an un-openable icon. Too busy to try and figure out why. And too fed up with computers to want to bother!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! that third photo of the installation of my work just won't show up. Grrrrr.
