Thursday, September 15, 2016

By Popular Demand...

I have been urged- due to popular demand- to post pictures of the completed closet in use. Yes, it is a stunner; from the bottom of the stairs, it looks like... a destination! Hello! It could be the doorway to a very exciting venue.

And it is! Organized clothing, resettled shoes... a real closet achievement, resulting in the ability to find and put on items from a wardrobe previously unhappily separated from it's user.
(Weird sentence, that!) But you get the idea. And my amazement that this has come to pass.
Look! Clothing on hangers and shoes on the floor and only a few feet from where I get dressed in the morning. Oh, happy day!
Bob did such a good job with these shoji screen doors... I feel like I'm getting dressed in Osaka or Tokyo. It's inspiring! The big plus here is all that extravagant storage space above my closet. There's room for hats and luggage and travel bags and winter blankets. I could go on but I'm already overheating and raving; I love my closet!


  1. NICE!!!!!! looks like Phillip's soji screen lamps!

  2. Well, his lamps are shoji screens so that makes sense!
