Friday, September 30, 2016

Projects Bring Rewards

Oooooh! Look what Bob did! He's been so industrious this late summer/early fall. Bob made a brand new sill for our (sort of) front door. The old one was beyond rotten and there were some serious gaps for the cold to seep in... Yes! It is becoming that time of year that the cold wants entrance to the house- just like us after being out of doors for a while.We're going to repaint this door soon, probably a delightful shade of blue. It will be cheerful, but also keep the evil spooks away.
Bob also spent time constructing nifty metal handles to not only make lifting our capricious and quirky windows easier, but to prevent them from falling apart. The bottom edge of the window (not sure of the technical name) is almost gone on quite a few of our windows, so Bob devised clever metal plates that screwed in and gave structure and strength where there was none. Not only are they easier to lift, they just make the house feel so much more secure. (I confess that I had an old purple sock shoved into the bottom of this window last year. How's that for stop gap?) Additionally, Bob replaced the actual sill in several really compromised windows. It's my job to sand the spackle and paint them. I need a couple of warmer sunny days; not this weekend.
(This is a rude plant, apparently giving us the finger. You've got to appreciate it's cheekiness!)
I don't have a picture of the truck but it's pretty much the same color as our rude plant friend so that's a stand-in. Bob also found time to have friends come and tune up the truck by installing new spark plugs as it had been running rough. After the plugs were changed, it still ran badly so Bob went and got a new distributor and installed it himself! I was very proud of him and the truck is now running great. There's no stopping him; he also weed whacked the fence line and bought himself (as a well-deserved reward) a brand new chain saw.
This was a real treat because Bob's old saw (also as Stihl) was purchased when Bob was 18. I can't even do the math: that's something like 45 years ago?!?!? Is that possible? He had the same chain saw for so long that it probably belongs in a museum. But this is just in time for the colder weather as we need to start gathering fire wood. Maybe it'll be a warm winter. We can only hope!

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