I thought it would be well, not fun exactly, but diverting (maybe?) to extol the power of Nature instead of railing against our democracy's current state of decay. I hope this diverts me at least briefly...
When I arrived home today, Bob announced that one of sketchy, half dead spruces had been blown over. It was that kind of windy day. Unfortunately, all the trees in a line between the vegetable garden and the house are weak and getting ready to join this one. I LIKE those spare and ghostly trees; they add an odd "Californian" aspect to our place. I guess I'm referencing pictures I've seen of Joshua Tree and other western landscapes. So I'm sorry to see them go, even if they are at the end of their natural lives. The wind is still whipping like mad, now, late at night and I'm dreading having to take Robin out to pee. It's also cold!
They really are long, tall trees! Bob said he was in the house when the tree blew down, but didn't hear a thing- probably because the wind was/is pretty noisy and the snow may have muffled the sound of it toppling over. Amazingly enough, not only did it not hit the house, it also managed to miss the garden or anything else vaguely in its path like the picnic table or one of us!
And here's the requisite picture of Robin for those that requested it. She looked lovely in the split second before I took this picture but (of course) moved and all I got was her butt and tail in motion. Robin is the only one of us not entirely sick of all the snow...
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