Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Bye Bye Deep Freeze

Yup! We had minus 11 degrees on Sunday morning. I am not one to advocate spending a whole lot of time opining about the weather, but Holy Cow!! It was majorly nasty cold.
I am supporting the theory that "brain freeze" prohibited me from accomplishing anything brilliant in this last week, unlike certain "stable geniuses" who are, like, really smart. Don't get me started...
I worked on my pieces for my ONE-PERSON SHOW in NEW YORK (bragging rights!) in the living room (my previous studio if you recall) because attempting to heat my studio was ludicrous. It just takes all day and becomes a waste of wood. The work looks good and let's be thankful that I was doing finish up hemming and edging and not requiring myself to make aesthetic decisions of great import. So many details to complete!
But today is supposed to be almost 40. I find it hard to believe after that protracted sub-zero spell we endured; even the 17 degrees it is outside right now feels relatively balmy. Robin and I took our first walk in over a week. That's almost unheard of in this household! But Robin doesn't have a big dense coat of fur like Jules or Frank the Dog; she's silky and isn't partial to the cold. In fact, she was eager to retreat to the office upstairs and curl up in a tight ball.
How Maggie the Mexican Pony survives is anyone's guess. She had icicles on her eyelashes on Sunday. But her winter coat is tremendous (she looks like a stuffed animal) and she has her high neck ultra thick super arctic horsey blanket on and she was happy (well, maybe not happy) to stand around outside (despite free access 24/7 to her nice stall. To each his/her own!
I know it's winter and we should be grateful that some of the insects that plague us will be in shorter supply comes spring and summer, but I'm craving sunshine and warmth. The furnace has been coming on too often and I'm seeing dollar signs flying up the chimney. I am also hoping for good weather to install my show, not to mention for my opening. I have a mark to make on the art world. Winter weather be damned!

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