Friday, January 26, 2018

Where Have I Been?!?!?!?

I apologize to my fans, friends, family and followers! I have been so tied up and busy, getting ready for my show in NYC (and working and marching against The Orange Menace and experiencing the vagaries of life like fighting off a cold) that I haven't posted in over a week! Yikes! I try and keep up with myself and report back on all the weird and wonderful happenings here at the BauHaus Chicken Coop...
Anyway, not for the first time, Tilda Swinton is making a surprise guest appearance. Sort of like the  squishy package of taco sauce that followed us on a trip across country (don't ask!) Tilda is an inexplicable feature in our life.
Thought I was kidding, right? I think our strange obsession with all things Tilda started simply because Bob and I agreed that she's just plain strange. You will recall that she showed up taped to a milk carton a couple of years ago and now regularly pops up in unexpected situations. For a while, she was stalking Bob- hence the Xmas greeting. This particular incarnation- with the super elongated neck and decidedly alien presentation- has kept us busy for over a month now.*
Oh well; I guess it's good clean fun and a pleasant distraction from all those other pressing issues... like getting ready for my show!
Auuuuugggh! I am down to the hardest part of show preparation: doing outreach and press releases and all the stuff that really matters. I'm utterly confident in the work itself; it looks great! But the bringing together of all the details involved in marketing is intense. I don't want to do this show and just have a big fizzle. I am fortunate that the gallery is actually commercial, a business and not a non-profit (which are great but they don't typically worry too much about whether anything sells or not!) which means they're doing a lot of this for me- like getting the pieces photographed professionally. But what I need is some one like Tilda's publicity person to get my name out there front and center. Tilda help me!

*And just as Tilda vanished and Bob informed me that she was "resting up", I discovered her mounted on a glass vase shaped like a head in a cupboard downstairs. So she's still active!

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