Sunday, August 19, 2018

Russian Roulette

Another one of my periodic posts in which the picture would seem to have little to do with my topic or the direction of my thoughts. This is a picture I was given at work (because they were going to toss it out) and I liked it: I think it's Shangri-La... a place I'd love to transport myself, Bob, Robin the Good and Maggie the Mexican Pony to. (And a few hundred close family members and friends.)
Maybe Shangri-La is a good place to head, what with the stunningly abysmal state of affairs here in America. Just think- the "truth isn't truth" (thanks Rudy Giuliani!) just like it's kissing cousin in linguistic and moral turpitude, "alternative facts" (thanks Kellyanne Conway!). Why do rethuglicans always play so fast and loose with the English language?
Those of you reading this that actually know me know that I am not shy about my dismay at the current occupant of the White House. There is little that I can add that hasn't already been said, including repeating the mantra that the conservative's beloved Ronald Reagan is probably rolling over (and over and over) in his grave with all the embracing of Russia and it's feckless leader. A little "Evil Empire", anyone? Or are their memories so faulty?
I realize that conservatives and rethuglicans are embracing Their Dear Leader because he's delivering on so many of their pet projects: fewer regulations, gigantic tax cuts for the already rich, dismantling health care, destroying the environment, stacking the Supreme Court with conservative activist judges... I could go on but I'd probably sick up all over my keyboard. The rethuglicans are apparently willing to assume the despicable posture of spineless, smirking sycophants. Where does it end? I cringe when craven mouth pieces (I'm thinking Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell) slink out and say something like, "Oh don't pay any attention to the tweets". Talk about enablers! Or toadies like Devin Nunes echoing "witch hunt, witch hunt!" despite indictments and grand juries.
Hopefully, something will end this current situation (nonviolently), be it (in no particular order) the emoluments clause, The Mueller Investigation, those unreleased tax returns, Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, Omarosa, health code violations at Mar-A-Lago, Karen McDougal, the stupidity of certain off spring, pee pee tapes, Paul Manafort, Marina Butina and the NRA, Don McGahn etc etc. Every day brings more dirt and allegations and weirder behaviors and appearances by the living dead (there's Rudy Giuliani again!) Russian roulette indeed!
I never thought I'd say this, but I'm downright nostalgic for old-school rethuglicans!

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