Thursday, February 17, 2022

A Little Climate Crisis, Anyone?


Above, my latest piece "For Greta", obviously channeling her amazing statement to world leaders during the last Climate Summit. (Wasn't it called something unfortunate and forgettable like "COPS 27"?) I share Greta Thunberg's concern that world leaders- or almost anyone else!!- aren't doing enough to halt our escalating climate crisis. Every day there are more stories of rapid sea level rise or ice chunks the size of Rhode Island breaking off and tumbling into the ocean. Not to mention fire tornadoes, floods, typhoons and other random disasters...

You people reading my blog are lucky; you're getting a sneak peak at the finished piece. All previous incarnations have been works in progress and were close to the image above, but I hadn't sewn all the "birch logs" around the "All Your" and I added nifty three-D like backings to the branch work... really made it pop. Also, I sewed on that amazingly lewd edging- shiny plastic feathering that positively screams climate disaster! I hope Greta will be pleased with my efforts. She's an terrifically brave and inspiring woman! We need more like her.

I've been a bit remiss in posting to my blog as I'm attempting to re-work my website (uh... haven't gotten there yet!), finish up several in-progress works of art, clean my studio and studio annex (see previous posting), and arrange for the next step in my brilliant career. I did sell a small art work unexpectedly the other day; that always provides a disproportionately huge shot in the arm! I feel like, "Yes! the Universe thinks I'm on the right path!" or at least I have some money to buy more iridescent plastic feathering to add onto another piece. Heavens! I'm probably accelerating the destruction of the planet with all my consumption of unnatural materials. Possibly it's produced from recycled content?

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