Saturday, November 5, 2022

Preaching to the Choir


Amen to that, right? Above, my latest vote piece. I have a history of these; it continues to be a necessary message. Although- correct me if I'm wrong- it seems many of our countries weirder elements take this more seriously then choir to whom I preach.

It seems- according to polls(*1), so-called young people aren't turning out in large numbers for early voting so far. Do they ever? I seem to remember young people adoring Bernie Sanders and then simply not turning out to vote for him in presidential primaries. And they have so much at stake! I am old enough (ahem) to know that I may not have to personally worry about the death of our planet. Fuck it: I may not be around 20 years from now. But aren't young women concerned about losing autonomy over their bodies? Aren't young people- particularly in southern states worried about gerrymandering and the stacking of the Supreme Court? Or LGBTQ+ rights? Younger people can't all be white incels who cherish gun rights uber alles!!!

See? This one's from a coupla years ago. Still beating that same old drum...
Here's another early one:

Hey! I even SOLD that one!! You never know: maybe my message will actually get through somehow.

(*1) And we all know how reliable polls are! (NOT!!)


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