To begin... HOOORAY!! I am sure we all watched the above performance with delight. I was going to blog about that but thought it might be too much for our already frazzled nerves. I mean, we're all pretty cynical that any charges brought will be dismissed. (Sigh) But we can feel joy and unbridled enthusiasm for justice being done for one minute, can't we? Perhaps I dream.

And for a complete change of pace, I almost blogged about Neko and her new neighbors across the field. There are now two mustangs- one apparently still wild- in residence behind a very stout metal fence. (This is because mustangs, being wild animals, want to escape out of any and all confinements.) Neko seems to be enjoying the horsey company and periodically runs up and down the fence line trumpeting to her friends. I started riding in this area the other day and the mustangs began running around, kicking up heels and acting like crazy springboks. I took Neko and rode in our lower field as I am not in the market for such equine excitement. It can be contagious!

And then I almost blogged about a recent trip to a Large Box Home Improvement Store. (It was Lowe's) I was attempting to locate the seed selection, helpfully wedged sideways behind a wall of outdoor furniture that was being set up. There I was, barricaded behind stacks of chairs and a very corpulent family, who were searching for something garden related, when I turned around and was confronted with that alarming entire wall of fucking Round Up!! Good God! I'm trying to purchase non-GMO organically grown seed and Monsanto is mocking me with a walla walla Round Up. There's enough glyphosate there to give everyone in the state of Connecticut cancer. Holy fuck!! And I'm sure Lowe's will sell all of that arsenal of doom... and more!! Doesn't anyone follow the news?!?!?
Anyway, Happy Holidays!!
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