Monday, May 27, 2024

Horse in the Dog House

Evil pony! Neko has been really exasperating of late!

Neko lives to eat and is certain she's starving to death most of the time. Despite the vet (who was here for Neko's annual check up and shots) thinking she looked to be in good shape, Neko begs to differ. So Neko has been constructing ways to get to more food and drive me crazy.

As we all know, the grass really is greener on the other side of the fence. Twice, Neko has wound up in our neighbor's yard, with me having to go and retrieve her (with the neighbor's watching out the window). Talk about a walk of shame! Although Neko seemed unphased...

I watched- speecheless- as Neko proceeded to step through the tape fencing in my riding area. I thought I was doing her a favor by allowing her to graze while I did some gardening nearby and kept and eye on her. Ha! As I called out, "Neko! Just where do you think you're going?!!?!" she looked over shoulder and rolled her eyes and continued right through to the neighbor's yard. 

Neko is always at the fence ready to beg for a flake of hay or a carrot. One night when I took Robin the Good out for her pre-bedtime pee, I wondered why Neko wasn't at the fence. I went back to the house with Robin, climbed into bed and then sat bolt upright. Something told me Neko was up to no good. It's midnight by now, as I take the flashlight and walk all around Neko's pasture, calling her name. She's no where to be found. I'm thinking of all the terrible things that can befall a pony who gets loose, but where does one look for a horse late at night? For some reason, I thought to go look down by Bob's studio. Lo! there was Neko looking quite satisfied with herself, stuffing her face with lots of nice green grass. I locked her in the barn for the night.

I realized that the solar electric fence wasn't working and so I constructed and elaborate (and unfortunately unsightly!) barricade of additional fence post, plastic tubing, old sculpture... you name it. We purchased a new roll of mesh fencing to erect a smaller containment paddock up near the barn (which we still haven't erected because... who has the time?!??!?) Bob got the electric fence charger to work again, but cleaning the terminals.

I hate to say it but Bob and I got a big laugh (schadenfreude anyone?) when Neko touched her nose to the fence and freaked out and ran away. That'll teach her to respect the fence! I admit I also accidentally zapped my arm on the fence... YUP! Fence works!!! What goes around comes around!

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