Monday, May 13, 2024

New Hobby


(Not sure what happened- probably a brain fart! I forgot to "publish this post! Written over a week ago!)

Not quite sure when (or even why!) this started but I have a rather odd new preoccupation. Whenever I'm/we're out driving around, I count how many Teslas I see. I guess it's the fascination with 1.) how many people in this area can afford these cars and 2.) how many people actually are willing to give Elon Musk their money. The other day when Bob and I embarked on a short drive(under 2 hour round trip), we saw 24 Teslas! Two dozen!! (*1)

Here's the logo. Once I started seeing this symbol coming at me or in my rear view mirror I began to realize there were quite a few Teslas and it surprised me. (Or if you're behind on, there are no tail pipes and that looks strange.) I guess I'm glad that so mnay people are thinking about the environment and forgoing the use of fossil fuels but I also suspect there is a good deal of ego gratification and a smug trendiness involved. 

Yes, he's a first rate jerk in my book. Maybe smart but is not quite human and definitely not likeable. But he apparently has somewhere around 9 children; I guess someone "liked" him!

I admit to a bit of schadenfreude in my fascination. Like when I heard that in winter's cold, the Teslas wouldn't start. And then I wonder where all the electricity needed to charge these cars is coming from. Here in Connecticut, electricity is super expensive and there's always tension as to where we're sourcing it from. 

(*1) As they only come in a few colors, Bob posited that we were seeing the same 3 cars over and over again. (White, grey (maybe it's black?), red and one blue one.)

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