Monday, July 29, 2024

Notes From a Childless Dog and Pony Lady


Oh Lordy! Another political post from a "miserable" (NOT!!) Democrat "lady". (*1) You will note the date- I was an early supporter of Kamala Harris (along with Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders... I even have an Andrew Yang tee shirt. I collected the whole set!) And as far as "childless"... yes, I am that and very happily so! I can offer no explanations for why people want spawn; they cause so many complications and cost lots of money and are (apparently) frequently "ungrateful".(*2) (*3)

So much has happened in the last two or so weeks and my head is spinning. I am cautiously hopeful despite understanding that fully half of this country is crazy and will happily (?!?!!?) endorse and support a convicted criminal and the electoral college renders the popular vote incidental. Does this make sense? How about that "one person, one vote" thing? Alas...

But I'm sure that you're as thrilled as I am that the orange menace chose a sofa-humping faux hillbilly as a running mate. He is apparently the least-liked vice presidential pick... in history? Hahahahha! And why the party (read "cult") of trump thinks it's a good idea to send half the population of the United States back to the Stone Age is truly beyond me. Big mistake- YUGE!- to pick Vance. Huuzzah.

At least we have the Olympics to detract our few remaining brain cells from constant political insanity. We signed up for yet another streaming service so as to be able to watch the Olympics in all their glory. We enjoyed the Opening Ceremonies featuring some entirely odd and entertaining tableaus: like Drag Queen Last Suppers and Blue Men on Heaps of Fruit. Bob watched boring swimming and terrifying tennis on the Big TV while I repaired to the office to watch hours of equestrian events on the computer. I saw the Dressage and Cross country parts of the Eventing Competition and was so inspired that the last two times I rode Neko, we had fun (*4) playing Olympic contenders. 

Here's Neko training for the sport she excels at: eating.Gold medal for this pony! 

I think I'm offering a gentle suggestion that we temper our political enthusiasms with spasms of other interests... like the Olympics. We've been so exhausted and stressed by wondering what was/is going to happen to American democracy that sometimes even I need a break. Let's hear it for athletics and good, wholesome exercise!

(*1) Not sure anyone would ever mistaken me for a "lady". Although, I have been "ma'am'd" at the store occasionally which also blows my mind...

(*2) With the exception of exceptional children like myself, who were always (ALWAYS!!) exceptionally good and smart and well-behaved. (Except for not being "lady-like".)

(*3) And children smell strangely. And they're terrifying. And the world's going to end because of rethuglican policies and general greed and environmental disasters so having children is nihilist and cruel.

(*4) Well I had fun and Neko tolerated my antics. She's a good sport to put up with me and my endless narration of all the obstacles and trials I put her through. 

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