Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4th 2024


Inadvertantly, our laundry was red, white and blue. It seems somehow appropriate as I was doing laundry to get my mind off the weird state of our "union" a day before July 4th. Crazy that we may well be "celebrating" our last year of freedom...

I know I- and everyone I know in person and on the Internet and beyond- is freaking out about the debates, the not-so-supreme court decisions, the rise of American authoritarianism, Climate Crisis, PFAS in our bodies and our food supply, Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine, Israel decimating Palestinians... you know: crazy stuff. And I'm certain I forgot to mention many others things worthy of a meltdown or two!

At least our Birch tree (Cully's Heritage River Birch) looks good and that white sheet is NOT about surrendering. (Actually, it has very subtle blue stripes). I had a terrible day and, as I mentioned, I was attempting to distract myself with low-key domestic chores like doing the laundry. I had hung out the wash and was thinking just how nice it smells when the sun and the gentle breeze dry the sheets and towels when I noticed that a bird had thoughtfully pooped all over one of the sheets. Cursing that I now was going to have to re-wash said sheet, I took it down to hose off the offending bird shit before putting it back in the washing machine. 

I laid it on the grass, neglecting to consider that the freshly mown lawn was adding to the ridiculous mess as multitudinous grass clippings were now clinging to the wet sheet. I tried hosing that mess off and only succeeded in soaking myself. Oy. I hung the sheet back up, waiting for it to dry so that I could wash it again. I felt for Sisyphus.

How are you distracting yourself? I am allowing me to spend a couple of days just being. Thne I have a whole series of new pieces addressing the state of our union. With Heritage Foundation heads vowing that "there will be blood" if "the left" doesn't go along with their nefarious and well-laid plans, I despair. Happy Fourth!!

1 comment:

  1. spending time Just Being!!! Good Idea!!! :~)) Plus, MARYANN has done readings half a dozen times that say Biden will WIN!!!! LISTEN to Maryann!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
