Sunday, November 24, 2013

Round Things

Here's what I'd like to be doing: insulating my studio, especially with the wind howling and there being a dusting (still too much!) of snow on the ground. It would give the illusion of warmth... But we're waiting on window treatments (there is still plastic in the openings) as our good friend Joe has been otherwise occupied. Also, I need to locate where I want outlets and switches as electrical work needs doing before wall surfaces get covered. Bob calls me anxious and impatient; I think I'm enthusiastic and eager!
In the meantime, here are the unusual things that (some of us) stick in our mouths:
Lovely packaging! I think that's what compelled Bob to put these in the shopping basket at the Chinese grocery store. Here's what I liked, on the reverse of the package:
I know that I go out of my way to procure foodstuffs that require "oxygen absorbers" (and their accompanying warnings!). Also, the advisement regarding artificial colors is thoughtful. I carefully monitored Bob's behavior post-consumption to see if he exhibited hyperactivity, or difficulty operating machinery after he ate 1 and 7/8s of these little puppies. You will notice that I did indeed give the green blob the ol' college try. Check out the interior:

I guess the confection itself is sort of "cute" but it's guts are this weird brown. And consistency? Like a large gush-y caterpillar and it tasted like soap! Bob is certainly a more adventurous eater than myself and he finished my portion as well as his own. He even made vague comments as to how it was "interesting" and "not too bad".  ("Go right ahead", I volunteered, "There are four more and they're all yours!" How often does that happen in our house when discussing dessert? Like never!) I am certainly an advocate of trying new things, I simply don't believe that you have to finish everything on your plate. But let's be honest: it's entirely personal what to eat or not eat. Bob runs from the room when I start to eat (vast quantities) of raw cookie dough. Yum!

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