Friday, February 7, 2014

A Small Procedure (Kinda Gross)

This posting is not for the faint of heart and contains graphic descriptions of blood and pus and gore. The human body- mine!- is more than capable of producing some pretty disgusting things. To whit, about a week ago, I noticed that I had a reddened slightly irritated area at the very top of my right thigh. (Due to the sensitive nature of where this "visitor" is/was, I have edited out the general view of my body. See photo.This picture isn't even from my friend the bump at it's most dramatic) I figured it was an ingrown hair or something and that it would disappear as quietly as it had appeared in the first place. But I was wrong.
Every day, my MiniMe (as Bob dubbed it) grew bigger and redder and well, angrier. On Wednesday, during the snow storm, I confessed to Bob that I was worried as I was starting to walk just a little funny and getting dressed was an ordeal as certain articles of clothing had trouble clearing my now mountainous bump. Bob helpfully suggested that it looked as if I were growing testicles. (It has been remarked that I do have "balls"...) I decided that if it ever stopped snowing and Bob got the snow blower going, I should probably make a visit to a doctor.
So today, (the earliest they could see me) I went to the doctor, naively thinking they'd probably give me a prescription for antibiotics and tell me to keep an eye on it. Instead, I was informed that I needed a procedure and that I really shouldn't go to work afterwards as I would probably be pretty uncomfortable. This is early on Friday and I don't think I was prepared for the idea of a procedure let alone for the size of the needle that was presented for lancing; at least, I escaped something called "packing" where they stuff some sort of material (insulation? cement?) into the hole created to keep it open. The initial probing was uncomfortable, but the needle inserted to administer the local numbing agent was a killer. "Ow", I volunteered. "Real ow", "Even more OOOW". And then the nice doctor (I did like her) began to knead and squeeze. This didn't hurt as I was numbed, but boy I could see her shoulder muscles working. And it seemed like it took ages. There was quite a quantity of nastiness residing in my thigh; when I dismounted the table, the sheet was all wet and red around the edge. Yuck.
So I was bandaged and given a prescription for ten days of major antibiotics and a pain pill (which is why I'm typing carefully: I'm not supposed to operate machinery and I'm actually letting spell check check my spelling.) And I got to stay home from work! They gave me a dismissal slip- just like being in elementary school. Once again, thank heavens for Obamacare. My copay for medications was only $24, which relieved some of my anxiety about going to the doctor.
So much for today's medical adventure. I am certain I will offer updates on my recovery... maybe I'll even take a photograph of the "after" site. I'm sure it will look gross for several days. Thank goodness I have the weekend to limp around, listing portside. And thank goodness I had something to blog about besides the weather. Hahahaha.

1 comment:

  1. Yes were going to miss that MiniMe but it was a pain anyway.
